Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Game #063 | ROMANCING SAGA Review (1992) | Not Beaten

ROMANCING SAGA (January 28, 1992)
Genre: RPG
Platforms[Super Famicom]
Developer: Square
Publisher: Square
Moby Score: n.a

Started: May 28, 2023
Finished: May 30, 2023
Beaten: Not Beaten
Playtime: 5 hours

The 'SaGa' series started in 1989 with 'The Final Fantasy Legend', as it is known by in the West, and was a Game Boy series for its first three titles until Romancing SaGa brought it to the SNES on January 28, 1992. Well, at least in Japan it did, as the game did not get a release in the West. The SNES actually never did, in fact, but a PS2 remake called 'Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song' did release in North America in 2005, though the 'Mistrel Song' subtitle would only be included in Japanese versions.

'Romancing SaGa' did pretty well, with over a million sales recorded for its SNES version. The game was developed by Square, who had released their first SNES game in 1991 called 'Final Fantasy IV', you may know it. The alliance of both games with Square is immediately notable, but Romancing SaGa , and SaGa games overall, are different in many ways from their Final Fantasy counterpart that makes the SaGa games stand out as their own, distinctive series.

Personally, I think it differs positively in many ways, but negatively in at least just as many. I go over everything in my review for 'Romancing SaGa'.

(I was able to play the SNES version with fan translations. If you are interested in this game, I would recommend the PS2 version for both its official translation and the many QoL and overall graphical improvements you will find with it.)

Title Screen


You play Albert, heir to a noble lord in Rosalia. No wait, you play Sif, a warrior from Valhalland. Or do you play Jamil, a thief in Estamir? Wait, what?

Off the bat, you will find out why the SaGa series is very different from your run-of-the-mill JRPG in terms of its story set-up. You have eight unique characters to choose from. Not eight different classes (though they do all differ in class), but eight (!) unique (!) characters, each with their own name and background and, most importantly, their own journey. Their journey all lead to the same destination, but you'll be surprised with the amount of freedom in play here. This is not Cyberpunk 2077, where a few intros play out differently and all culminate in the same outcome an hour into the game.

For example, I chose Albert. In his introduction, he and his sister clear a cave near the castle that is their home. Upon return, the castle is attacked by monsters, and they are to flee and report the incident to a nearby kingdom. Diana, his sister, pushes Albert off a cliff to save him from strong enemies that have surrounded them (why she doesn't jump after him, I don't know). She dies trying to fend off the attackers, while Albert wakes up later in the home of a caretaker. From here, Albert finds himself in Loban. From there, he is to take a ship to Yeoville that runs into a storm and washes up near Valhalland, where he meets Sif.

Sif's story starts in Valhalland and she finds Albert knocked out on the ship wreck, so there is some crossover at times.

Then there is Claudia's story, who is an orphan raised by the witch of the forest in Mazewood. She goes to clear a cave from monsters as well, finds a Knight called Gian getting attacked, helps him and then proceeds to leave the Mazewood later on in her introduction. She takes a totally different route, explore different areas and meets other potential companions than Albert or Sif, either meeting them much earlier or doing so at all, such as a bear and a wolf-like creature that lived with her in Mazewood.

The locations you explore are not only relevant in the companions you can fight for battles, of which there are dozens, but also in the quests you find and can pursue. These quests often don't go beyond simple set-ups to explore nearby caves and exterminate the monsters within, but it adds to the replayability and the unique structure of each character's playthrough.

So overall, it's not just eight different intros, but many different journeys altogether. This unfortunately does come with its many concessions and makes tying things together for the main story, which does exist, much more difficult. The execution in the end is lackluster, both from experience and, mainly, from reading up on it, as I couldn't justify playing the game more than I did (a little over 5 hours), which I will mainly explain in the 'Gameplay' section.

Let's start with the main story. The game is set in Mardias, where three gods called 'Death', 'Saruin' and 'Schirach' waged war against the lord of all gods, 'Elore'. At the end, Death and Schirach lost and were stripped of their powers. Saruin, who was not willing to accept defeat and the same punishment, was instead imprisoned within ten fatestones by a hero who would perish in that battle and be turned into a god by Elore as thanks. Now, a millennium later, all Fatestones are scattered throughout Mardias and evil powers festered bent on releasing Saruin, with eight heroes fighting back to make sure that this doesn't happen.

It's an OK setup for a main story of its time. How does it happen that the Fatestones are scattered? If Saruin is imprisoned in them, how can you not take care of even one of the stones? Well, we shouldn't try to look for too much logic here. The game treats the main story as an afterthought, which is OK for what it is going for, but so should we in that case.

Unfortunately, 'afterthought' is an understatement, because the main story doesn't really get any mention apart from certain main story quests that trigger for mid-game and end-game portions. I found two conflicting notes on this online, one saying that the amount of quests you finish trigger these 'jumps' and another saying that the amount of encounters you had does the trick. I'm finding number of quests to be likelier, but either way, you're not going through a linear path of quests to unlock those main quests. And only in those main quests do you learn more about the main story, which, overall, is very little for an RPG. Is that a bad thing? That's for you to decide. The non-linearity is a positive for some, a negative for others. Personally, I'd be more of a fan if the execution wasn't like this.

Because here is the issue for me. The game will take you 30-40 hours to beat just once. You can complete it with all eight characters (and get a secret ending), but those 30-40 hours are brutal in terms of the content that fills them. A good 90% of your time is spent in caves fighting near endless waves of enemies in, 90% of the time, battles that can be described as cakewalks. Of the remaining 10%, I'd guesstimate that 8% is walking around in same-looking towns to collect gear and quests, and 2% is actual story dialogue.

The combat does not have nearly the amount of depth necessary to pull the majority of players through, at least not in a fun way. In my opinion, there needs to be plenty of balance between lengthy 'dungeon-crawling' and story bits in RPGs. Final Fantasy IV did a good job in achieving this a year earlier. With Romancing SaGa, that is not the case, and I couldn't put myself through the monotony for dozens of hours, both because I don't consider it to be fun (maybe I would have if I was 8 again and didn't have many other games to choose from) and because I can put the time into the other games in this challenge which have more varied and, most importantly, rewarding experiences.

Overall, the game employs a "Free Scenario System" that shows a lot of potential. Spiritual successors such as The Octopath Traveler exist. Sequels in the SaGa series exist. This challenge will be exploring those sequels, but in Romancing SaGa, there is not enough in the side-quests and pretty much nothing in the main storyline to push one through the brutally repetitive combat system. The SNES cartridge space will not have done the developers any favors, so future generations should help out there, but I also think that improved balance in the next SNES iterations could help the potential be reached sooner than later. We shall see.



Gameplay is not as unique as the "Free Scenario System" we went over at length above, but there are certain elements to Romancing SaGa that make it stand out over other JRPGs of the time as well. Let's start with the similarities.

Just like Final Fantasy, you explore many different locations as you visit their towns and dungeons. You go into many battle encounters with turn-based combat. You purchase healing items, magic items, weapons and armor to equip your party members.

There are many differences though. First, let's go over exploration. Instead of traveling the overworld to find the towns and their nearby dungeons, you select a location from the map and fast-travel there. There is no exploration to be done in between.

Towns have their shops and inns positioned slightly differently, but inherently are all the same. You got an inn, a weapons store, a magic store and a pub to look at quest notices and find companions. There are few, if any, other houses that specific characters own. There are nearly no characters roaming in these towns in general, perhaps 3 or 4 apart from the shopkeepers. Nearby, there is emptiness that fills the space between a town and the dungeon you're supposed to enter once you get the quest. There also is going to be a path that allows you to open up the map and travel elsewhere.

There are barely any, if any, secret paths to take. Nearly all chests, if not all, simply contain gold. I haven't found anything else in 5 hours. Items to buy with the gold usually seem overpriced, though perhaps later locations give you a lot more to make up for that.

The biggest difference you will find however is encounters. Instead of walking around and randomly being thrown into a battle, you find all enemies running around in the overworld. There are a lot, and I mean A LOT, of them running around in the same area and you can defeat them one by one to reduce their number to zero, at least until you leave the area and re-enter it, which makes them respawn. It makes encounters more predictable, but my god does it not help you avoid them whatsoever. These enemies will rush after you once they spot you, and most of them are faster than you, so they will catch up. They also mirror your path, so if you try to walk left, they will walk left as well until they catch up to you and engage. If they engage you from the side, it throws your party formation into disarray and leaves you in a tougher spot, though I'll go over that in a little bit. The worst part though is when you try to flee from a battle.

In Final Fantasy, when you escape, the encounter is simply over and you keep moving. In Romancing SaGa, GET THIS: The enemy remains right where they were when they engaged you. So guess what? You are immediately thrown into battle against them again. WTF? You have a split second to react and try to run away, but by the time you process which way to go (usually at least two directions are blocked off by enemies), the enemy re-engages and you enter the battle again. Hilariously terrible and makes escapes pretty much useless.

OK, so let's go over the battle system. It is a turn-based system (doesn't have a 'real-time' component like FFIV, which I don't mind) and uses a 3x3 grid, meaning you can choose to line up 3 party members on three rows. The front row is most susceptible to be attacked, but can use melee weapons. The second and third rows are less likely to be attacked, but can't reach with melee weapons. Spears, bows, magic skills and special limited-use attacks for melee weapons (a slash on swords for example) do reach first, second and possibly third rows of the enemies. I did not get the impression that the row has a damage output penalty like in Final Fantasy games.

Unlike many other RPGs, you don't have a 'level' that you increase. Instead, you have a number of stats that get increased after each encounter, like Speed, Vitality and Charisma, which increase hit points and damage output for specific attacks. That's the game's specific oddity but not a bad one. Here is an oddity that IS bad however. As you use weapons more and more, you get upgrades to those weapons, like a slashing attack for a melee weapon that lets you hit the second row. This experience needs to be gained for every weapon that is in the game. If you don't like a weapon and decide to switch back, guess what? All your experience for the weapon has reset. Why? Who knows, maybe a developmental oversight.

The UI for combat also makes matters worse. In Final Fantasy, you select whether you want to attack, guard or use an item on one screen. In this game, you need to cycle from left to right to find the screen you are looking for, and there is a screen for each weapon and skill you have equipped. With the thousands of encounters you will have in this game, all the cycling can become really tiresome. The game saves the screen you were on last time, which means you can spam A to do quick attacks when the cycle is pre-selected. But as mentioned, side-engagements by the enemy throws your formation into disarray, so the same characters will find themselves in the second and third row all of a sudden, unable to attack. You can either let them "defend" (which doesn't really do anything like 'Guard' does) or have them move forward/backward a row, but this means cycling through the menus. Next time, you need to cycle back when you had a frontal engagement. So you're not spared all the cycling. I didn't sign up for Tour de France, man. So all the grindy fights where you simply would just spam a basic attack, you have all these extra steps involved, and things move at a snails pace. Before the screen pops up, you first need to press a key. Why? Who knows. But this means instead of two key-presses (attack, enemy select), you do three (empty press, attack, enemy select).

To conclude, it's an interesting system but slowed down to a horrible degree. There is a fast-forward feature on the emulator I am using, and I did an experiment through a dungeon to show you how horrible it is. Even if you fast-forward, the in-game counter doesn't know it, so it updates as if you did everything in regular time. In real-time, I went through a dungeon in five minutes using the fast-forward key. In game time, and in would-be real time without the fast forward, it took 40 (!) minutes. And none of the fights required a drop of strategy, so you literally are spending 35 of 40 minutes pressing the same button and waiting for it to play out the same way. Yeesh. That's literally 30-34 of 40 hours it takes to beat the game. I understand that most gameplay in RPGs is spent like this, but it's not nearly this much and it's also not in a game where there is no strategy involved for the majority of battles.

There are many trees in this game


No voice acting. The sound design is average, but the one thing I noticed was how your strikes in combat didn't have the satisfying ferocity that they had in Final Fantasy. The soundtrack has good and bad parts. The main theme sounds like your prototypical Square NES/SNES main theme to the point that it is indistinguishable. The unique part about the soundrack, which isn't overly long, is that each character has their own unique theme. The bad part about it is that it plays endlessly in a loop, unless you are in a story set piece or in a dungeon. After 5 hours, Albert's theme makes a shiver run down my spine. The battle theme is the same as well, but that's typical for most RPGs and this one actually sounds pretty good, even after 5 hours. Overall, it's a soundtrack that sounds solidly average, one that you will remember fondly, if nostalgia is involved and one that is mostly forgettable, apart from the battle and character themes that you end up listening to for 30-40 hours.


Graphically this gives the impression of mid-budget early SNES game. That's to say that it certainly makes use of the jump to 16-bit, especially for a game that was Game Boy exclusive up to this point, but there is a lot of potential left to reach still. One thing I like the most about the game graphically is the sprite work and design for the companions, which look pretty good and distinct. Battles play out in terrain that you engaged the enemy in, which is a nice touch that will become more common on the SNES. Enemy sprites look OK but the lower resolution look compared to the characters is slighty off-putting. Sprites are also not animated as they await their turn, similarly to FFIV, which would have been nice but is not the norm yet.

One note worth making is on the menu UI, both in battle (which I commented on in 'Gameplay' -> sucks) and in your inventory, which is worse than in Final Fantasy. Stacking items isn't possible, so I was stuck having two slots occupied by 'Balm' from the start for some reason and equipping stuff requires you to go through many more clicks.

Overall, the game looks like a small upgrade to 8-bit RPGs. The first sentence in this section above pretty much describes it simply.

You see your name and your stats here (I can read Japanese... or played a translated version)


I really like how you can choose one character and then meet the other starting characters in the areas where you would be had you chosen them. This gives the game world a sort of realistic feel that you simply visit from the perspective of one of the available options. Enemies being visible in the overworld is also a nice touch, at least atmospherically, as it doesn't necessarily equate to a more enjoyable experience based on execution. I also like the world map that covers a number of different kingdoms, and these points are pretty much the most notable things as it pertains to immersion. The game doesn't accomplish anything else specifically, but it isn't as good a look to have all towns be pretty much copies of each other and be mostly barren of life.

CONTENT | 5/10

There are plenty of dungeons to fight enemies in, thousands of encounters to go through, dozens of companions to recruit, lots of locations to travel and quests to find, but one of those points proves why quantity is never better than quality, especially if you don't have much quality in that department to begin with. Thousands of encounters that play out the same way to bloat the play time way beyond where it needs to be. Final Fantasy IV isn't this long, and it includes a ton of story elements as well. This game barely has story and lasts 30-40 hours. It's just way too much.

You can see your formation and adjust it here


I do like the amount of freedom on offer here, from choosing the character to play, to being let go in the world, but I definitely expected more from what I heard. "Open world" and "non-linear" are attached to this series a lot, but for those 5 hours I played, the path was certainly as linear as it gets, it simply was a unique path to Albert (and presumably Sif). Going from one location to the next also necessitates fast travel, with no way to organically go there, which eliminates open world as well, especially since each individual location usually comes with the same few features like towns and dungeons, with basically no motivation to explore in between. Then you look at it more closely and you're expected to go through dungeons with a solid 50-100 encounters per dungeon, the majority of which require next to no strategy, and I can't say I'm too positive on the design here for the most part.


The "Free Scenario System" certainly is unique. The 3x3 grid used for the combat is not bad as well, nor is the fact that you can see the enemies in the overworld instead of being thrown in random encounters. Unfortunately, innovation comes with growing pains, and that's certainly the case here, as all of these features have more negatives than positives attached to them in this particular game in my opinion.


There is genuine replayability here. The only reason I'm not giving it a perfect score here is because replaying it means another few thousand encounters to go through, which will not be a lot of fun unless you're a massive sucker for turn-based combat that doesn't have much depth. But to be able to go through eight charaters and have most of them go through pretty different journeys is definitely a very nice feature, if we don't consider the concessions that were made to make it happen. There is no character development and very little personality in characters to make these unique routes stand out as much as they should as well, but for its time, having this much 'freedom' was unheard of, at least when it comes to Japanese RPGs.


Works well at all times.

OVERALL | 57/100

I'd like to summarize the game as follows: Romancing SaGa introduces many unique ideas to the JRPG genre, but its innovation comes with very apparent growing pains. Had this been as clean as it gets for a first iteration of a formula (A Link To The Past), you would have definitely heard of it by now and would have had this game release in the West way before its 2005 PS2 port, so my opinion isn't a unique one. Future games in the series will definitely do a better job to appeal to more players, and I'm excited to find out, but as it stands, I'd recommend to skip to those for newcomers or to play a spiritual successor like "The Octopath Traveler".

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Game #062 | THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Review (1992) | Not Beaten

Genre: Action-adventure
Platforms[Game Boy]
Developer: Bits Studios
Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment
Moby Score: n.a

Started: May 26, 2023
Finished: May 26, 2023
Beaten: Not Beaten
Playtime: 0.5 hours

This is the first game I'm reviewing that released in 1992. Boy, what an introduction to the year. Well, the good thing is, it can only go up from here. The Amazing Spider-Man 2, developed by Bits Studios (Rare made the original), is part of the early 90's Game Boy Trilogy that might just be the worst trilogy in gaming.

I have now played 4 Spider-Man games from the early 90s as part of the challenge, and all 4 probably find themselves in my Top 7 Worst Games I've played so far. It's like they're all in a competition for that #1 spot. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a darn good contender, so let's see how it scores in my review.

First, an extremely important note: This game received a 98% score by French magazine Consoles +. I'm not kidding, 98%! I cannot explain how significantly ridiculous this is. Picture this: Sonic received a 95% score. Mario Kart received 94%. Sonic 2 got 92%. Super Mario Bros 3 got the same 98%. So you got it there folks. This game is one of the best games of all time according to this French magazine. Wow.

Title Screen


Peter Parker wakes up with an odd feeling that something is wrong. He is proven correct when he reads that day's newspaper: 'Spider-Man turns bad', it says. "I've been framed", Spider-Man thinks. As he still is in thought, Hobgoblin attacks. And the game starts.

From here, defeating bosses furthers the story with comic-book style storytelling. Turns out, someone IS framing Peter with some sort of "robot spideys". The story is incredibly basic and as per usual for this time period, not notable at all.

With this, the game unfortunately lost the tiny bit of charm that the original had, which was witty trash-talk between Spidey and the bad guys. That's present once or twice here, but not on that level.

This game has phoned it in so much that, even with those few pictures that are used to tell the story, the devs still literally re-used the same pictures for different 'cutscenes'.

Yeah, doesn't look great


Are you looking for a game that makes you laugh out loud over how terribly it controls? Well, look no further than this mess. This is called an "action-adventure" game instead of the Action / Platformer that was the original Game Boy game. Why? I have no idea. The only thing that has this game qualify is the fact that it isn't a traditional platformer. There isn't anything to qualify the adventure part though. I'm assuming it's the fact that you can enter a few buildings which have some items hidden, like a crowbar (which opens crates, because Spider-Man is too weak otherwise, as we all know).

This game controls worse than all other Spider-Man games I've played, which were the benchmark for terrible controls up until now, and I'd go as far as to say that this game's controls is a contender for the worst ever in a video game. It's definitely, without a doubt, the worst for any game that received a 98% rating (still can't get over that). This is a side-scrolling game with a lot of items that just don't work together. You climb up stairs akin to a Castlevania game, but it's not "up" that gets you up. No, because simply moving up will have you drop down because each step is actually not connected on the stairs in this game. So you need to jump up stairs. Amazing.

You do have a webswinging feature in this game, but it's hilariously terrible. The web only extends about a meter above your head and it doesn't matter whether you attach it to something or have it literally be suspended in mid-air, it works. Well, not really. You try to get momentum by swinging side to side, but Spidey lets go off the web at random and doesn't even properly elevate with it. In theory, if it works well, you can use it to quickly climb up buildings. There is no other use for it and even this use is questionable. Why? Because you simply can jump from window to window to climb a building, or use one of many invisible platforms to do so.

You can also climb the side of the buildings in this game. But since this is a 2D game, that idea does not work at all. Whenever you try to avoid bombs thrown from the heavens or enemies by jumping over them - you have to - you often will be doing so near the side of the wall. Spider-Man will automatically get attached to the wall, even if you don't want to. And whenever you do actively want to climb a wall, you need multiple tries every time to get attached. While climbing the wall, the Hobgoblin will regularly throw bombs at you and knock you off, and the game has no feature of attaching to walls mid-air, so you fall all the way down every time.

When the game starts you off, you have no clear goal. You run around in Peter's neighborhood and have Hobgoblin flying over your head, throwing bombs at you. These bombs not only can hit you on the head, but will then drop to the floor, explode and can damage you one more time from the after-effect of the explosion. Your goal, apparently, is to catch Hobgoblin with your web and ride him down, which will destroy his glider and let you actually attack him. Why can't you throw punches at him while he is right next to you? No idea, it just doesn't work. It doesn't help that your web fluids are limited, so I found myself not even being able to do what I'm supposed to on my first attempt. I can't say I would have figured it out, ever, without checking a longplay of this game though.

Regarding Spider-Man's weapons: You can punch. You can do a terrible jump-kick. You can shoot webs, but only if you crouch down (?) and only if you have enough web fluid, which is drained rather quickly.

You could argue I haven't gone over the worst part yet. The only enemies in this game are the things that are thrown at you from the bosses, the bosses themselves and out of screen snipers. There are no other enemies in this game! This game is just empty as shit. AGAIN, IT GOT A 98% REVIEW! 98%! The review (translated) says that "the whole city is against Spider-Man from the get-go". THERE ARE LITERALLY JUST THE BOSSES WHO SHOWED UP! I literally can't...

Overall, this is the worst game I have played in terms of pure gameplay as part of this challenge, or in general, so give credit to this game for that. But this truly is terrible. I was disappointed with a name like Rare being attached to a game like the original from this Game Boy trilogy, but in hindsight, that game had some charm, actual cohesive game design behind it, and managed to at least have some fans at the time. If Rare had been behind this as well, there is no chance that this would be nearly as horrible as it ended up being.

Look at those beautiful graphics...


No voice acting. Sound design is not great, not bad. The soundtrack consists of three tracks. I find it hard to find a retro soundtrack that sounds aggressively bad, and I can't say this soundtrack is bad either. It's just very short and sounds very uninspired.


Can a game have no art design? On the Game Boy, there of course is no color, so attention to detail is even more important. This game is what you get when you go with the opposite of "attention to detail". The environments are incredibly bland. You run from side to side with same looking buildings scrolling through non-stop, and with a few skyscraping buildings visible in the background that is otherwise simply white. No clouds, nothing, just white. Spider-Man looks weird as hell and walks like he has no control over his limbs (every Spider-Man game in this challenge has had odd-looking Spidey animations), animations overall are poor, the devs were so lazy that they didn't even create enemies, cutscene pictures are repeated and there just is 0 passion that went into this game.

Look at those beautiful sprites...


How can you expect any atmosphere when the entire game looks empty? You simply are fighting one enemy that keeps you occupied, sometimes, while trying to get near him and figure out what the hell the game wants from you. Apart from the somewhat recognizable characters from the Spider-Man universe, there is nothing about this game that emanates a whiff of what you'd expect a Spider-Man game to look and feel like.

CONTENT | 2/10

I'm giving it an additional point for the fact that there is some actual content here, but it is of the worst kind. The levels are mostly empty, they look like crap, and there are just a few them in this game, which is of course good for people who don't enjoy it, but a shame for the kids who would play everything and anything you put in front of them, if they have no alternatives. That's a good description for this game. If you could play literally anything else, you probably would.


One additional point for the fact that levels can actually be completed I guess? The first level immediately sets the tone. You exit the introductory cutscene to find yourself in this empty city with the Hobgoblin chucking bombs at you. You aren't told anything on what to do, and how to do it. The features in this game are counterintuitive to the control scheme and it makes for an awful time trying to make your way through the levels, which in addition to all this, offer no depth and complexity.


This has no concept. You are put into a small area and have only one enemy to fight, who just annoying flings stuff at you while you are outside. You can simply enter buildings and have 0 threats while you look for boring, quasi-useless items. Remove the Spider-Man name and this has literally no selling proposition. None.


No motivation given to replay this game after having beaten it the first time.


The game works, but I'm taking a point off for the fact that the controls are so terrible and certain actions appear to be working randomly from time to time.

OVERALL | 25/100

And there we have it. The worst game I've played so far in this challenge is a Spider-Man game replacing the previous holder of that title, a different Spider-Man game. I love Spider-Man and it saddens me to see what had been done to him in the video game industry 30+ years ago. Thank god that new Spider-Man 2 showcase was awesome and I can rest easy in the comfort of the franchise's handling in this day and age.

The Video Game Magazine Round-Up | January 1992


VG&CE Cover | Issue 36, January 1992

Hello readers,

welcome to the January 1992 edition of "The Video Game Magazine Round-Up". 

As explained in this post, the idea behind this is to supplement our journey through video game history by looking at retro game magazines and looking at news topics of the time, interesting reviews of video games, columns, controversies, new tech releases and anything else of interest that any given magazine may write an article about. You can check out the first iteration here to see what you can expect, or just continue reading this article.

Since the challenge has progressed way faster than I expected as I started this, I decided to, for now, skip a few month's worth of round-ups to both save myself the time and more importantly, to have these be more current with the challenge, as not only does this give you the most accurate representation of the time-period we're in, but also, games reviewed in these magazines may find themselves into my spreadsheet this way.

In this months' round-up

  • Which reviewed game did we add to our TGBP playlist?
  • Which company is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection?
  • The developer for which company gave VG&CE yet another earful?

The magazines that will take part in this month's "VGM Round-Up" are

  1. Computer Gaming World Issue 90
  2. Electronic Gaming Monthly | Issue 30
  3. Game Informer | Issue 03
  4. Video Games & Computer Entertainment (VG&CE) | Issue 36
You can read each magazine in full using the links provided. We will start this month's round up by taking a look at the VG&CE first.

  • Andy Eddy wishes everyone a happy new year in the EDITORIAL and sets the expectation of an "explosion of CD-based systems and peripherals to the market". Nintendo is "expected to release the fruits of its partnership with Philips, a CD-ROM unit for the SNES" and Sony continues working on its 'PlayStation'. For Andy Eddy, the only question is what price gamers will be willing to pay for the consoles and how low companies are willing to go.
  • In the READER MAIL, just like with August 1991's issue, a complaint is included regarding a prior review of their game done by VG&CE. Last time, it was Bethesda founder Christopher Weaver, this time it's Robert L. Jerauld of Enix America, who takes offense to VG&CE's review of Dragon Warrior III (Moby Score: 7.2 / VGCE Score: 16/40). The reviewer saw the story as tacked on and one that added too little for the 50 hours to game can take to beat. The developer disagrees with this, but the most important point of criticism by the reviewer that is addressed is the following. The reviewer states that the game gives you the option to choose a male or female character, but in the opening sequence, the king, your father, calls you his 'son' either way (this is correct). The developer contests that this part of the review is wrong, as the character you play is male. But why is there then an option given at the start of the game? This is one again very long-winded and a nearly-no-filter back & forth of opinions on the game, and very much worth the read (p. 5f.). 
  • This issue's NEWS BITS starts with news on Mediagenic (Activision) planning to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, with the plan being that this will help them to satisfy creditors and regain financial health. In other news, "Galoob won the first step of its suit to collect the $15 million bonds posted by Nintendo". This is for damages Galoob suffered due to Nintendo suing them over Game Genie, though the trial is ongoing. Also, SimCity has sold over a million copies after originally launching in 1989. There are many other news bits.
  • VIDEO GAME REVIEWS for this month include Jaleco's 'Cyberball' (NES, 23/40) and 'Rampart' (NES, 25/40), NEC's 'It Came From the Desert' (TurboGrafx-16, 36/40) and 'Darkwing Duck' (TurboGrafx-16, 18/40), Renovation's 'Wanderers from Ys (Ys III)' (Genesis, 27/40) and 'Master of Monsters' (Genesis, 32/40), Microprose's 'F-15 Strike Eagle' (NES, 30/40), Capcom's 'Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts' (SNES, 35/40), Activision's 'Ultimate Air Combat' (NES, 25/40), Konami's 'Super Castlevania IV' (SNES, 34/40) and 'Tiny Toon Adventures' (NES, 28/40), Hudson Soft's 'Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball' (SNES, 22/40), Absolute Entertainment's 'Space Shuttle Project' (NES, 24/40), EA's 'The Immortal' (Genesis, 31/40), Mindscape's 'Paperboy 2' (SNES, 30/40), T&E Soft's 'True Golf Classics: Walalae Country Club' (SNES, 28/40) & Namco's 'Rolling Thunder 2' (Genesis, 32/40).
    • It Came from the Desert: This is a remake of the 1989 action-adventure game with many changs and improvements. It uses rotoscoping to deliver realistic video scenes and mixes this in between 2D action sequences from a side or top-down perspective. The TurboGrafx-16 version does not have a Moby Score, but the Amiga version has a Moby Score of 8.1 (#1,389 of 157K).
    • Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts: I reviewed this game here. It is the successor of the infamous Ghouls 'n Ghosts for the NES and improves on everything thanks to the superior power of the SNES. It has a Moby Score of 8.0 (#1,986).
    • Super Castlevania IV: My review can be found here. This is a remake of the first Castlevania and is notable for allowing Simon Belmont to whip in 8 total directions, which makes for a different gameplay dynamic than earlier entries. It has a Moby Score of 8.4 (#445).
  • VGCE highlight EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE SNES, from Processor (65sc816 CPU rated at 3.58 MHz) to Memory (128k of DRAM, 64k of VRAM) to Graphics Processor (32,768 color palette, two resolutions of 256 x 224 and 512 x 448, Mode 7 graphic mode) to Joypads to Sound (16-bit Sony sound chip). All of these pieces of hardware and how they work in general are very well explained in laymen's terms, for the most part.
  • The history of ICE HOCKEY GAMES is shown in an article spanning multiple decades.
  • Arnie Katz goes over MYSTERY-THEMED GAMES of the past and future. Future games include Konami's 'The Champions', Konami's 'Return of Batman', Sierra On-Line's 'Codename: Iceman II' and more.
  • In another article, Arnie Katz plays COMMISSIONER OF GAMING, and creates a wish-list of suggestions for the industry. 1) Establish a National Electronic Gaming Show, 2) Hardware standardization for the PC, 3) Regularize creators of games being credited, 4) Organize a set of 'Peoples Choice' awards for games, 5) Hire a celebrity spokesperson for the industry and a few more, some of which aged well, some of which didn't.
  • COMPUTER GAME PREVIEW/REVIEWS for this month include EA' 'Are We There Yet?' and 'The Immortal'Accolade's 'Elvira II: Jaws of Cerberus' and 'The Games: Winter Edition', Maxis' 'SimAnt'Origin's 'Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi' (35/40)Mindcraft's 'Rules of Engagement' (32/40), Strategic Simulations' 'Tony La Russa's Ultimate Baseball' (32/40) and 'AD&D: Gateway to the Savage Frontier' (28/40), Lucasfilm Games' 'Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe' (34/40), U.S. Gold's 'Knights of the Crystallion' (29/40), Bethesda Softworks' 'The Terminator' (31/40), Legend Entertainment's 'TimeQuest' (35/40) and Paragon's 'MegaTraveller 2: Quest for the Ancients' (36/40).
  • REVIEWS: This issue reviews Accolade's 'Asteroids' (7.5), 'Missile Command' (7.75) & 'Turrican' (7.0), Absolute Ent.'s 'Project Space Shuttle' (7.5)Bullet Proof's 'Faceball 2000' (9.0), Ballistic's 'Winter Challenge' (7.0), EA's 'John Madden '92' (8.5), Interplay's 'RPM Racing' (6.0), Jaleco's 'Shatterhand' (8.0), Sunsoft's 'Lemmings' (9.0), Sega's 'Art Alive' (8.0), 'Galaxy Force II' (6.5), 'Jewel Master' (7.25), 'Joe Montana 2' (8.25) and 'Wonder Boy in Monster World' (7.0).
    • Faceball 2000: Tied for highest rated game in this issue. A Game Boy FPS game that "you won't be able to put ... down" according to GameInformer. It has a Moby Score of 6.5 (#16,471). 
    • Shatterhand: An NES Action game with eight-direction scrolling. You fight cyborgs and all kinds of biomechanical enemies with your punches. It has a Moby Score of 7.9 (#2,308).
    • Wonder Boy in Monster World: An action-adventure for the Sega Genesis. I've reviewd it here. It has a Moby Score of 7.5 (#5,900).
  • Game Informer looks at what's ahead courtesy of WINTER CES 1992. They look at upcoming games for multiple publishers, like Capcom USA's 'Mega Man II' for the Game Boy, Data East's 'Joe N' Mac', Bandai America's 'Ultimate Journey' and Acclaim's 'Alien 3'. 
  • EDUTAINMENT GAMES get a feature in an article that covers Gametek's 'Fisher Price' series and Hi-Tech's 'Sesame Street' series, among others.
  • With TECH TALK, GI looks at future hardware and tech in gaming, such as the Game Genie for use with the Sega Genesis. News on hardware is lacking otherwise, but the biggest update in terms of software is iMuse (Interactive Music & Sound Effects) a sound system that allows "music and sound effects to respond to the player's choices". It was created by the Skywalker Sound division of LucasFilm and will be used for 'Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge'.
  • REVIEWS: This issue reviews Virgin Games' 'Vengeance of Excalibur'EA's '4D Boxing'Data East's 'ABC's Wide World of Sports Boxing'Access Software's 'Martian Memorandum' and a couple others.
    • Vengeance of Excalibur: This is a follow-up to 'Spirit of Excalibur' and is a Strategy / RPG. It has a Moby Score of 6.4 (#16,969 ).
    • 4D Boxing: This is a boxing simulator focusing on graphics and graphical presentation with different angles to view the action from. It has a Moby Score of 7.4 (#7,885).
    • ABC's Wide World of Sports Boxing: Another boxing game, this one with a small story where you create your own boxer and train and fight. It has a Moby Score of 6.6 (#15,969).
    • Martian Memorandum: This is a graphical adventure game with a murder mystery theme. It has a Moby Score of 7.3 (#8,301).
  • VIRTUAL REALITY is discussed in an article on the 2nd Annual VR Conference in San Francisco in Sept, 1991. VR has gone from "speculative talk" to prototype stage within a year, and while coin-op vendors would not agree to carry VR helmets (danger of head lice), some in the industry remain optimistic about the technology finding its way to gamer's homes soon.
  • SNEAK PREVIEW: The first game that receives a sneak preview in this issue of CGW is Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. The general feeling of the previewer is that those who enjoyed Monkey Island 1 will feel the same way with the sequel. The second game is Interplay's 'Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space'. Third game is Strategic Studies Group's 'Carriers'.
  • The REVIEW CREW covers many games in this month's issue: Sunsoft's 'Lemmings' (29/40), Tradewest's 'Super Off Road' (26/40), Acclaim's 'Bart vs. the World' (16/40), Ultra Games' 'Nightshade' (24/40), Lucasfilm's 'Defenders of Dynatron City' (14/40), LJN's 'Roger Clemens MVP Baseball' (23/40), EA's 'John Madden '92' (36/40), 'F-22 Interceptor' (27/40) and 'Robocod' (30/40), Mentrix's 'Cal. 50' (23/40), Ultra's 'T.M.N.T. 2' (20/40), Bullet Proof Software's 'Faceball 2000' (27/40) & Atari's 'Crystal Mines 2' (26/40).
  • Here comes this issue's GAMING GOSSIP courtesy of 'Quartermann'. 
    • This issue starts with news on NEC debuting the first CD-ROM/game system all-in-one. At least in the West, as Japan already has it since September 1991.
    • The Atari Jaguar is taking shape and will use 32-Bit processors.
    • New games looking to release soon include a SNES Star Wars game with intermissions from the movie, as well as other movie tie-in's like Alien 3, Robocop 3 and Addams' Family. The biggest game will be Street Fighter 2, which will finally release for home consoles later this year.
  • The rest of this 259-page (!) issue is surprisingly lacking any interesting articles on the video game industry. All remaining pages give very quick & short previews on upcoming games and short guides on games that recently game out.

What Am I Playing Next? #02 | Romancing SaGa, Bucky O'Hare, Contra III + more

Hello readers,

we have finally reached 1992! Finishing a year means there will be lots to talk about in future blog posts, but let's start it off by looking at the next 5 games I am going to play as we start our journey through 1992.

We have one game from a series of games that we've played already, two from series of games that are somewhat popular and in total, 3 games with a Moby Score of more than 8.0. 

  • Initial Release Date: January 28, 1992
  • Platforms: Super Famicom, PlayStation 2, WonderSwan Color
  • Genre: RPG
  • Developer / Publisher: Square / Square
  • Series/Franchise: SaGa
  • MOBY RATING: 6.8 (#13,763) - PS2 version
That's an interesting mix of platforms, right? Romancing SaGa, the fourth official entry in the SaGa series after the 'Final Fantasy Legend' trilogy, released exclusively in Japan in 1992 for the Super Famicom and it took all the way until 2005 (!) for the Western release to happen on the PlayStation 2. As of now I am unsure whether I want to play a translated Super Famicom version or the PlayStation 2 one, but the reason why I want to play this game despite the lack of an NA launch in the 90s is quite simple.

I've heard .. not a lot, but plenty about the SaGa series online over the past few years, so seeing this game with a "1992" release date made me assume that this was going to be quite a notable game that I should probably not be skipping. Don't get me wrong, I will not have any issue skipping other Japan-only games in notable series in the future, but I thought I might as well try this, since Romancing SaGa is the first game with "SaGa" in its name for the series, so it seems like a good point to jump in.   


None. My history with Japanese RPGs in general is nearly non-existent, if we take out Final Fantasy and Persona, so this is going to be a highly interesting foray into a new JRPG series. 


Please don't be too grindy? As someone who doesn't play the genre a lot and has the image of grindy JRPGs burnt into his brain, this is definitely still a worry with every JRPG I start. With Final Fantasy, I more or less know what to expect at this point, and I'm not generally opposed to grinding either, but in the early 90s, extending play time for the sake of extending it is pretty commonplace, so I fear grinding would be neccesitated by the devs with only play-time in mind, not fun factor.

The Japanese version has no score on Moby Games, and the PS2 version has a rather poor fun for the site, which has definitely set my expectations lower than I what I had before checking the site. I have heard about the SaGa series a lot, so I do wonder if this first non-Game Boy entry for the series counts as one of the memorable games or not. I have no idea what I can expect story-wise, length-wise and gameplay-wise, so this is going to quite interesting.


  • None
  • Initial Release Date: 1992
  • Platforms: Game Boy
  • Genre: Action-Adventure
  • Developer / Publisher: Bits Studios / Acclaim Entertainment
  • Series/Franchise: Spider-Man
  • MOBY RATING: n.a
I have played 3 Spider-Man games as part of this challenge so far. They've received TGBP scores of 26, 37 and 35 so far. The 37 belongs to the predecessor of this game, so if you're wondering why I am doing this to myself still, that's a fair thought. Well apparently, I am going to make myself play through every Spider-Man game from here on out, for better or worse. And hey, terrible games can be entertaining, so it's not all bad. 

The original was a very boring, poorly designed platformer, while this sequel is described as an "action-adventure", so at least it tries to do something fresh.

A score on Moby Games is not available, but Wikipedia has a collection of review scores, which range from 98% by French magazine "Consoles +", where, I'm sorry, the reviewer must have been on something to be able to judge this as literally near-perfect - all the way down to "Power Play's" 44%. Seriously, what the hell is that French guy on? Looking at their magazine, they gave the Sega Genesis 'Spider-Man vs The Kingpin' game 65% and, get this, Mario Kart 94% (!). 4% less than for this otherwise poorly reviewed Game Boy Spider-Man game that, without even having played it yet, I can guarantee you is at best an average adventure / platformer game. This game was rated higher than SUPER MARIO LAND 2 (96%). What is going on?


Oh god. First, I played an Amiga / Commodore 64 Spider-Man game, which to this day is the worst rated game out of the whole challenge still. Then I played the predecessor to this game, which is in the Top 5 worst. Then I played the 16-bit answer to Spider-Man's woes called 'Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin', which was pretty much just as bad as these games with a couple more features included. So suffice it to say, Spider-Man and I have not had a great time together in terms of this challenge yet.


If this game scores average in literally anything, I'll dance. So far, all Spider-Man games controlled horribly, sounded worse and bored me to tears. My expectations could not be lower going in, but I'm going in nonetheless.


  • Initial Release Date: January 31, 1992
  • Platforms: NES
  • Genre: Platformer, Shoot 'em up
  • Developer / Publisher: Konami / Konami 
  • Series/Franchise: Bucky O'Hare
  • MOBY RATING: 8.1 (#1,311)
I feel like I heard of "Bucky O'Hare" before. Wikipedia says it's the name of a comic book series, but can't say I ever read it. Moby Games on the other hand says this is scored at an impressive 8.1, so who cares whether I heard of Bucky O'Hare or not, I know of it now for sure.

This game supposedly has a Mega Man-esque design in that you need to play four levels/planets and can choose the order yourself. 


No history.


It's a Konami game, and Konami usually are much more competent than most devs. The Moby Rating on top of that makes me think this is going to be a good platformer / shoot 'em up. If you read my Mega Man reviews, you'll know that I don't really like the series so far, so the Mega Man comparison is not the best that this game could have initially gotten based on my view. Though my issues with Mega Man go way beyond choosing your own order, so it's not foreshadowing my experience with this game by any means. I hope.


  • None

  • Initial Release Date: March 14, 1992
  • Platforms: FamiCom
  • Genre: Tactical RPG
  • Developer / Publisher: Intelligent Systems / Nintendo
  • Series/Franchise: Fire Emblem
  • MOBY RATING: n.a.
We return to the Fire Emblem series with Fire Emblem Gaiden, which received a remake with 'Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia' in 2017. The devs started work on this shortly after the release of the original game in the series, which had been a commercial success. Shouzou Kaga directs this one, and was involved with the game design (and at all) in the series all the way until '99's Fire Emblem: Thracia 776.


The series started in 1990, right where this challenge began, so I was able to play the original that was called 'Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light' for 17 hours, which is the second highest total for any game in this challenge up to this point. It proved to be enjoyable on the tactical side rather than being anything worthy of the traditional RPG definition. Players of more modern Fire Emblem games will likely recognize some gameplay elements and of course the main character, Marth, but this is not a Zelda situation where the general formula was already discovered in the early 90s. At least I'd confidently assume, as I didn't have the pleasure of playing modern Fire Emblem games myself yet. 


Always exciting to play sequels, especially of acclaimed series like Fire Emblem. I have a variety of thoughts before starting this. First and foremost, it's a shame that this didn't turn out to be an SNES game. The series won't grace that console until 1994. Second, I've already read that this game offers an "easy" mode that allows for much simpler transfer of items from unit to unit, which is already one QoL improvement I'm loking forward to. Third, I don't expect many improvements over the original otherwise. The team had roughly a 2-year dev time, which isn't bad, but their ability to innovate will be limited due to staying on the NES. Famitsu rated this 28 out of 40, which tells me I should be expecting a similar game, which will be both good and bad, but more of the former for sure.



  • Initial Release Date: February 28, 1992
  • Platforms: SNES, Game Boy
  • Genre: Run and gun
  • Developer / Publisher: Konami / Konami
  • Series/Franchise: Contra
  • MOBY RATING: 8.1 (#1,339)
I heard of the 'Contra' series multiple times over the years, never knowing what it's about. Thankfully, we will find out soon, as Contra III: The Alien Wars for the SNES will introduce me to the series.


No history.


This game got a nomination for GOTY by Nintendo Power and has gotten 9/10 across the board, so expectations are high. Apparently it's a run and gun series, but can't say I know what to expect other than that. Will be a pleasant surprise to get into this series finally.


  • None

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Game #061 | MONKEY ISLAND 2: LECHUCK'S REVENGE Review (1991) | Beaten

Genre: Graphical Adventure
Platforms: Amiga, MS-DOS, [Windows]
Developer: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Moby Score: 8.2

Started: May 22, 2023
Finished: May 24, 2023
Beaten: Beaten
Playtime: 7.5 hours

Sequel-time is always exciting, and even more so for games that were really enjoyable. With Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, the follow-up to The Secret of Monkey Island, we are in such a situation. This game probably requires no introduction for the majority of you. It released in December 1991 for the Amiga and MS-DOS, was developed and published by LucasArts, was led by Ron Gilbert and uses the SCUMM engine that was used for LucasArts adventure games until the late 90s.

While Monkey Island 2 was a critical success, commercially it fell below expectations. According to Ron Gilbert they sold relatively well, but "Sierra On-Line and King's Quest were still kicking our ass completely". Plus, he wanted to make adventure games for kids after releasing Monkey Island 2. Both of these points combined explain why he left LucasArts less than a year after Monkey Island 2 released to create his own company. Unfortunately, what Ron Gilbert's exit and Monkey Island's good-but-not-good-enough sales meant was that we would not only see no 3rd Monkey Island game until 1997, but that the 3rd game was also not written by its original creator.

I mention this for two reasons. First, 2022's Return to Monkey Island, finally directed and written by Ron Gilbert (and Dave Grossman) again, continues from the ending of this game, not the 4th (which I have never played). Second, this game has an infamous ending, and knowing what I know about the future of the Monkey Island series, I am kind of unsure on how to feel about it.

This is the final game in my challenge in the 1991 play-list. Here is my review for the game.

Title Screen


This section is going to be a spoiler-heavy part, so skip this in case you didn't play this game yet and still want to. There are only spoilers for 1 and 2 however, not for 3, 4 and Return to Monkey Island, all of which I haven't played.

Once again, you are Guybrush Threepwood, the clumsy yet determined pirate; a title he has earned for himself in the first Monkey Island game. Now that Guybrush is a pirate and has defeated the evil ghost-pirate LeChuck, he is looking for a new adventure: Finding the treasure called "Big Whoop".

The game starts on Scabb Island, where Guybrush accidentally arrives in search of the lost treasure. I say accidental because the treasure is actually not here. It's not for naught however, as he learns more about the treasure and that there are four map pieces that he needs to acquire in order to find it. To start his search, he needs to get off the island, but that is not possible. While Scabb Island is known for being a lawless island, a man called Largo Lagrande took it upon himself to impose the "Largo Embargo" and to tax all ships arriving and departing with a heavy tax that no pirates in the area could afford. His angry demeanor and, more importantly, his connection to LeChuck as his right hand man in the past, make people scared of him. Everyone but Guybrush of course.

So Guybrush needs to figure out to cleanse Scabb Island from Largo. In the end, he does, but with a cost. He, inadvertently, gives Largo the 'still-alive' beard of LeChuck that he was carrying around to boast about his accomplishments. Largo steals this beard to resurrect LeChuck. So Scabb Island is free of Largo, but Guybrush, as he goes on to explore many other islands in search of the four map pieces, is not free of LeChuck any longer.

The game features many new, but also many returning characters from the original, just like you'd expect from a sequel of a graphical adventure, if you've ever played a different one. This creates both a sense of nostalgia and comfort, but also of a fresh adventure. It helps that the majority of returning characters were funny and quirky in the original, like the "Men of Low Moral Fiber" or Stan the used ship salesman, who opened his own mortuary in this game.

Dialogue is basically the same mix as the original, containing good humor, incredibly dry jokes (in a positive way), a few double entendre's, regular 4th-wall breaking and a contemptuous attitude by most characters towards Guybrush's clumsiness and habit of putting others into precarious positions in order to get himself closer to his goals. Don't get me wrong, Guybrush is a million times more competent than Deponia's Rufus (though both are equally as succesful I suppose), but his charm, pretty much everyone's charm in this world comes from their oddness and naivete. For example, the drycleaner is hard of hearing, the cartographer cannot see without his monocole, the bartender pays you unheard of sums of money upfront only to fire you minutes later without asking for his money back, guard's arrest someone else under your name after they had just arrested you for it minutes earlier etc.

So overall, as endearing as each character is on their own, the game's narrative is nearly entirely as lovely. I say nearly, because there is the ending 'showdown' between LeChuck and Guybrush, and the ending itself to discuss.

First, the showdown: As Guybrush attempts to uncover the treasure from its designated location, a hole opens up and he fall into it. When he comes to, everything is dark, but he locates a light switch. Guybrush finds himself in a room, though not alone. He finds LeChuck himself standing next to him with a voodoo doll. The voodoo doll supposedly will send Guybrush to an endless dimension of pain once LeChuck uses some sort of lightning power to pierce through his voodoo heart. Guybrush does get teleported, but only to the adjacent room. Looks like the doll was made of poor materials. There are 5 such rooms in this ending showdown, and you constantly need to run away from LeChuck, who shows up randomly, and assemble a bunch of items to create your own voodoo doll of him.

This is not a bad idea in itself. The problem arises, or did for me, when I had to find the last piece, which, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out without a guide. There is a room with a broken vending machine. You press the "coin return" and see a coin fly out of the machine and come to a halt at the door. LeChuck enters in a scripted moment to hunch down and grab the coin. At this point, you grab his underwear. Easy. But what you also are apparently supposed to do is give him your handkerchief, so he can blow his nose.

The problem? This is only possible in that room. If LeChuck shows up anywhere else, you can't give him the handkerchief. The bigger problem? There were a lot of times where LeChuck wouldn't show up for minutes (!) at a time, and if he did, he would never enter that one room again for a good 20 minutes. Why? Because it's entirely random where and when he shows up. And if you don't use a guide but did try to use the handkerchief in a different room (out of the 30 items in your inventory at this time), and that didn't work, I don't blame you for not trying it again in that one specific room. I did get it done after a long time, but it was frustrating as hell to get there.

And now, the ending: You assemble the voodoo doll, Guybrush uses it to rip out LeChucks' limbs, and LeChuck, in his final breaths, asks you to take off his mask. It reveals ... Guybrush's brother Chuckie. Apparently, Chuckie was asked of their parents to hunt Guybrush down. A maintenance worker of some sort shows up and tells them that they can't be down there. Scene fades to black, and we get a new scene showing a young Guybrush and a young Chuckie at an amusement park, with their parents scolding Guybrush for running off. As they go off, Chuckie gives a quick stare at the camera and shows a red glow in his eyes. The end. The after-credits scene shows Elaine Marley, Guybrush's love interest, standing over the hole on the surface and wondering whether Guybrush is down there hallucinating again. The actual end.

Wow. Reading opinions on it online, I realized that this was quite an unpopular ending at the time. Having it sit for a day, I'm mostly OK with it, as it allows for your own interpretation and for a lot of discussion without appearing tacked on or fully unreasonable.

So what's the truth here? Is it A) Guybrush is actually still a kid and just imagined the entire stories of 1 and 2? Or B) The "endless dimension of pain" curse that LeChuck was talking about actually manifested itself, and Guybrush will have to endure childhood with Chuckie, who likely bullies him? I am going to try to make a case for both scenarios, knowing full well that both the non-Ron Gilbert and with-Ron Gilbert explanations already exist by now.

Scenario A) There are surprisingly many arguments that can be made for this scenario. Guybrush appears in the first game out of nowhere and declares he wants to be a pirate. One of the requirements to be a pirate? Swordfighting, which apparently are just verbal duels where you try to out-wit your opponent. Another thing: Many characters are returning from the original, even though you explore island far away from Melee Island. Objects too, like the vending machine you destroyed in Monkey Island 1, which appears in the final stage again. The barkeeper won't sell grog to Guybrush without some ID. The "Big Whoop" treasure turns out to just be ... a ticket? To an amusement park perhaps? There are a lot more points I could mention, but to not have this be an essay on the ending, I'll leave it there.

Scenario B) A lot of points that can be made for Scenario B simply include arguing against the likelihood of Scenario A. First, Elaine's after-credits scene makes it seem like she actually exists. She asks if Guybrush is hallucinating again, which makes it likelier that the amusement park scene is not actual reality, but rather a false one created by LeChuck, or simply a dream. Second, the glow in LeChucks' eyes makes it appear, as if LeChuck pulled Guybrush into that universe on purpose. Third, this could have been an elaborate plan by LeChuck throughout the game. There is an earlier scene where Guybrush falls and hallucinates. He sees his parents, then LeChuck, then wakes up shortly after. The final showdown area also has a room where two skeletons lie and supposedly are Guybrush's parents. So has LeChuck been able to track Guybrush's whereabouts throughout the game and manipulate him discretely, to break Guybrush's will and have the curse be a success?

Having the outcome of the story be "it was just a dream" is obviously not the most satisfying, so I understand how players would find it bad. Again, I didn't mind it, but I do agree that Scenario B is preferrable.

All in all though, another enjoyable set of characters and funny dialogue was enough to pull me through this game on its own.

"You bilious bag of barnacle bait"

GAMEPLAY | 13/20

This is a graphical adventure by LucasArts / Lucasfilm Games in the style that you've all seen if you ever saw an old-school graphical adventure. The interface consists of the verbs on the bottom left side and your inventory on the bottom right side. You interact with people and objects by clicking on a verb and then on the person/object. It's the same as in the original. You use this interface to pick up items, solve puzzles and talk to people.

What a lot of these games fall victim to at least once or twice, especially old-school graphical adventures, is to create puzzle solutions that are entirely unintuitive and non-sensical, to the point that most players will be stuck and be left with no option but to try out everything possible in order to progress. Or, you know, use a guide. Luckily, this issue doesn't really creep up in Monkey Island 2, at least I found almost all puzzles to more or less make sense. Sure, using a monkey on a water pump is not the most logical solution, but it works in this game world. There were a few times where I had to use a hint, but the solutions made sense in hindsight.

There isn't really too much else that could be said here since this is through and through your average graphical adventure. One thing that I didn't find great was ship travel. You need to go through three different islands to find four map pieces, but this also means that you need items from one island to solve the puzzle on another. Since you need time to figure out what you need to do, you find yourself constantly driving from one island to the other. You need to go back to your ship on the overworld to travel, and the time it takes to do this definitely adds up to the point where the pacing of it all is not always the way you'd like it.

Overall, it's pretty much the same game as the original, just with a slightly better interface.

The map


I used the Special Edition but played the classic version. In this edition, there is voice acting, which the classic game didn't actually have at release. But since the Special Edition is the only one available and the one any of you would play, I'm going to say that there is voice acting here for the purposes of this rating. The voice acting is great and the majority of the characters sound unique. It's a situation where half the jokes work because of the writing and half work because of the way they are said. Couldn't really have had a better voive for Guybrush either.

The soundtrack is a fantastic mix of reggae, jazz and classical music, just like the original, with a tinge of whatever is required to set the atmosphere, like a spooky melody for the swamps for example. Plus, it's much longer than the soundtrack for the original as well, and the majority of scenes have a unique track reserved for themselves, which adds to their recognizability.

I'll give this a 9 because voice acting technically wasn't included in 1991, but think of it as a 10 if you play the voice acted versions.


I adore the game's art direction. This was extremely well done, right down to the smallest details that suggest there is something you can interact with. From the quirky designs of each character you meet to the significantly more varied and detailed locations compared to the original, to the deep use of the color palette all the way to the distinctively decorated interiors.

Stan's ships have built their own little town


You play a sympathetic oddball called Guybrush Threepwood in a world filled with sympathetic oddballs and embark on a pirate adventure spanning multiple different islands. The inhabitants all feel familiar and never out of place, whether it's characters that you met in the original or here for the first time.

CONTENT | 8/10

The game has a more or less perfect length for a graphical adventure at roughly 6 to 10 hours depending on how quickly you solve the puzzles. There are lots of puzzles to solve and a lot of different, distinct locations to visit. The majority of puzzles actually are very solvable and don't fall victim to the unintuitiveness that is commonplace at least once or twice in these games. My only main complaint is that the final half hour is not as well done in terms of puzzles as most of the rest of this game.

Look at these interiors


I really like how many varied locations there are to visit, but it comes at the cost of pacing. You need to walk all the way back to your ship each time you want to move to a different island, and the further you are along, and the more stuck you are, the more common it is to keep traveling around. A fast-travel or shortcut to the ship would have been a big addition. The final showdown, as I already explained in much detail, I also found to be poorly done. Finally, there are many items that clog up your inventory that you never use, which I don't necessarily enjoy in these games. There are also items that you do use but that either don't leave your inventory or that you can pick up again under the impression that this means that you'll be using them later down the line. This never happens though, and since you need to constantly move up and down to pick the correct times, this surplus of items just get in the way for no added benefit.

Overall though, the levels are nicely designed, there is good variety in puzzles, there is logic behind almost all puzzles that I can get behind and locations look nice and are available in large numbers.


At this point there have been multiple graphical adventures of this style at the time. This doesn't make them less fun necessarily, just less innovative as time goes on. The unique part about this game is that you got three islands that you constantly travel to and fro, but as I explained above, I see both positives and negatives with that approach, the negative namely being pacing from all the traveling.

A tunnel?


No motivation given to replay this game after having beaten it the first time. It's fairly linear, you could just pick up map pieces in different orders I presume. That's more than fine, there just isn't any replayability. If you use the Special Edition, there is the possibility of using dev commentary on a second playthrough to get some backstory on the game development. I didn't do that since I didn't know how much of the sequels would be spoiled potentially.


Worked well 95% of the time. I had two crashes unfortunately (Special Edition) and, more notably, the final section literally didn't work for me for close to half an hour because LeChuck just wouldn't show up.

OVERALL | 74/100

Another great game in the Monkey Island series. I definitely understand why this has a cult following, the characters and dialogue is just very charming, the 4th wall breaking amusing and the "high stakes but not really" plot is enjoyable to follow. The sequel improves on graphics and adds more music, but is otherwise more of the same, with an ending that not everyone will enjoy. Even if you don't, the rest of the game is absolutely worth a playthrough.